The project was to investigate the challenges of user experience related to home entertainment and smart home connectivity
We decided to focus on how might we help organize and execute user-tasks more seamlessly through smart home technology?

We created an empathy map, journey map, and user experience map to empathize with our personas tasks, then we did a compare and contrast with our idea vs other existing products. We then summed up our findings in a problem statement.
Ideas and Concepts:

We brainstormed different ideas and how feasible they would be in our affinity and prioritization grid. Then we made storyboards showing how our idea would solve our users problems. 
Concept Refinement:

We decided to go with an app that connected to a smart mirror. Both of these would assist the user with organizing and completing their tasks. 

Once we completed the assignment we did a retrospective portion where we identified the unique selling features of our concept and a page of retrospective, discussing what we would do if we were to redo the design.
Video of the final app design created in Adobe XD, designed and prototyped by me.
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